Account Executive
I was born and raised in West Chester, PA and before joining the Apex team I worked in the team sports industry, where I specialized in uniform and apparel sales. I also spent a couple of years in the mechanical engineering industry before making the move back to the apparel and promotional products world. I love spending time with my wife Nikki, our son Wesley and our two dogs, and during the summer months you can find us enjoying the shore on Long Beach Island, NJ.
What is your favorite food?
I’d be lying if I said anything other than pizza.
What is your favorite book?
Shoe Dog – Phil Knight
What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t working?
Golfing, watching any of my Philly sports teams, and spending summer weekends at the Jersey shore.
What is the place you would most like to travel to?
What is your favorite drink?
Coffee. Or an ice cold beer. Depends on the time of day.
What is your favorite thing about working at Apex?
The whole team!
What is your favorite sports team?
Philadelphia Eagles, Sixers, and Phillies. And Penn State Football.