Build Human-Centered Marketing using Promotional Items

Enhance Human-Centered Marketing using Promotional Items


Is customer service dead? With more brands reliant on self-service methods, artificial intelligence, automation, and competitive sales tactics, many customers just aren’t feeling the love anymore. According to the 2023 National Customer Rage Survey 74% of U.S. consumers have experienced a product or service problem in the past year – a record high since the survey began collecting feedback in 1974. For many customers, that feeling of neglect can quickly escalate to brand boycotting and social media shaming that can lead to lost revenue.

As brands, how can we rise above this perceived level of poor service to delight our customers? In short, be more human.

Don’t get us wrong, we see great value in automation, machine learning and the “work smarter not harder” mentality but at the end of the day there are real people with real feelings, hopes, and beliefs behind those algorithms and social media handles. And building authentic connections with these folks provides a real opportunity for brands to form strong and lasting relationships through human-centered marketing.

What is Human-Centered Marketing?

Human-centered marketing is the belief that your customers are people first, not just buyers. It is a practice rooted in building an emotional connection that is personal, meaningful, and authentic. This requires an attuned ear for listening and communication that is honest, empathetic, and helpful. The goal is to establish a community – not to simply make a sale. Because when a community is created and your customers are engaged, they will naturally come back to invest in your brand both monetarily and through positive word-of-mouth.

3 Ideas for Using Promotional Items in Human-Centered Marketing

Create a Unique Brand Experience

The average person receives over 3,000 marketing messages per day – and remembers only four of them. Instead of marketing at your audience, invite them to take a step inside your brand’s culture and engage in a unique experience.

Marketing kits provide an opportunity for your customers to engage with your brand in a meaningful way. Custom kits are designed to reflect your brand’s personality, welcome new customers, reward loyalty, or provide insider access to new information or products. The content within the kit is tailored to speak to each unique audience in a helpful and relevant context. For example, parents may enjoy ideas for creating family fun this summer whereas recent college graduates may be more interested in career development. Each group would receive a unique experience that is aligned with their interests.

Lead with Personalization

We all want to feel seen as individuals. Personalization lets your customers know they aren’t just another faceless dollar sign to your company. It shows that you value their investment within your brand and your relationship.

Personalization takes promotional items beyond simply branding products with your logo to branding products for your customers. This sentiment can be taken a step further by incorporating a personal note or video message that accompanies the products. Additionally, gift-ready packaging can be used to elevate the experience.

Communicate Values

Dig deep into the story behind the promotional items you source to ensure they align with your customers’ values. Gifts that give back, sustainably sourced products, and items made by small businesses or made in the USA are examples of added elements that can speak to what’s important to your audience.

Drive these beliefs beyond promo marketing by communicating your company’s donations, volunteering, and activism throughout all company communication channels to further the impact.

Getting Started

Promotional items are a direct extension of your brand. The look, feel, quality, and delivery all factor into how your customers will feel about your company and the products and services you provide. Our in-house team of experts can help you create an experiential campaign to foster community with your customers.

From custom branded marketing kits to unique video mailers, and customer rewards programs, our strategists and designers will work with you to create a plan that excites and inspires your audience. We can’t wait to work with you!


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